domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


Of NeW reViews a partir
De Manana :) ya logre configurar
Mi movil! K lio k me ha dado
Mia thanks por todo!

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

Tale of 2 sisters" 2003

Yo no entendi esta peli para ser honestos>>>> tiene unos reviews excelentes so my best guess es que los subtitulos de mi version eran tan malos que hacian la peli totalmente incomprencible.... :( en muchas ocaciones he leido como alaban esta comparandola con la version americana y es que el punto es claroooo NO SON LAS MISMAS CULTURAS los orientales viven, respiran y creen en todo esto por lo que se lo puedes presentar crudo sin explicaciones y ellos entenderan.... esta es una peli que en USA no funcionaria, simplemente porque no es algo "comun" creer en nada de esto y su miedo se basa mas que nada en creer lo que no es... repito que tiene unos reviews a nivel mundial excelentes so denle un vistaso si asi lo desean... yo me quedo con la version americano que aunque un poco tonta es mas digerible...
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miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010


The first review I read online for Remember Me was that it was predictable, trite, , and drawn out. THATS BULLSHIT! The responses of those around me in the theater proved those claims false as well. I saw people laughing, gasping, wincing & weeping. I saw the audience RELATING!!!!! I watched this movie because i wanted to know what was the God damned twist everyone was talking about.... wich is the key to actually love or hate this movie.... Lots of people love it and others thought the whole movie was just a is very personal, the ending that is... but dont get me wrong this movie rocks! if u into drama this is the BEST u can get with amazing performances from a Robert Pattison that keeps showing there's more than the "silly" role of Edward collin... By the end of the movie Pattinson earned my respect as an actor...... Pierce Brosnan ROCKS!!!!!! love this dude here! everyone actually does an amazing job u should see this movie with all OF ur senses wide open... 9 out of 10 :D
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martes, 29 de junio de 2010

HeartLess 2009

..........THE DARKER IT GETS,,, THE MORE U WANNA SEE,....................... ESTA PELI TE LLEVA A UNOS PUNTOS EN LOS QUE TE SENTIRAS MORALMENTE "INCOMODO"..... LA UNICA QUE LA PUEDO COMPARAR ES CON :"DREADS" Y ESO ES UN SENOR EJEMPLO DE Psychological thriller with moments of horrOr. What does truly makes us human or a monsters????? Esta pelicula te da tiempo para relajarte y no tomarla tan enserio.... Pero cuando te agarre por el cuello y no te suelte (que lo hara) no habra marcha atras,,, repito esta no es una peli para tomarse a la ligera, su premisa es fuerte y la actuacion de Jim Sturgess-* como Jamie es exisita!
The other characters in the film parecen solo dar support to the storyline, and none of them alone has too much screen time. It's truly Jim who carries this film. However, I did find Joseph Mawle's performance as "Papa B" to be especially creepy,,,, really cool, que supongo que la "B" stands for se en velda *There was a clever mix of genres in this film as it plays mainly as horror but has elements of drama/thriller and comedy wich are great! - and they all work. 2 horas de mi vida que no me arrepiento haberlas usado en ella :)
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lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)

What can i say i was very Skeptical about this movie when i heard Disney was the producer..... but they did a hell of a job!! im a fan of the game itself and i can tell u they did a wonderfull adaptation,,, there's not much to say except before u go see it have a drink or two cause it'll be a hell of a ride xD
the movie never takes herself too "seriously" so there's no need for u to....
remember its a "fairy tale" so story line wont make much sense but it goes soooo fast u wont even notice....

to me using Jordan Mechner *the creator* he created an entirely new addition to the mythos - at times including the creator can sometimes stifle the process .... as many will fight changes to the source material that may need to be altered to work better with a director's vision,...

Another great thing would be romance thumbs up.....

if u havent/// what u waiting? :D
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lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

the 41 year old virgin who knocked up sarah marshall and felt superbad about it

the 41 year old virgin who knocked up sarah marshall and felt superbad about it......

Not that much to say about this one,,,,I'm usually not a fan of parodies but this one had me laughing a few times, people that act and looked exactly like the roles they were playing... so., here's what u need all the movies on the HUGE tittle,

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

the 40 year old virgin

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)


"dr. phill
"star wars" etc....

those are the most important ones ... they make refence also to particular actors ....
is not "bad" at least will keep u awake till the end WICH IS AWSOOOOME IMITATING Slumdong Millionaire ending dance ;) **maybe ull want to see one of the true films again :D
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Dennis Hopper, RIP

Known for such cult classics as Easy Rider, Apocalypse Now and Blue Velvet, Hopper embodied the image of the Hollywood icon. Hopper died on Saturday morning surrounded by friends and family at his home in Venice, California. He was last seen in public in March when he was honoured with a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. Hopper directed the 1969 counter-culture road movie Easy Rider, which he co-wrote with and starred alongside Peter Fonda. The pair were nominated for a best screenplay Academy Award. Following a promising start to his career, Hopper developed a reputation as a hell-raiser with a penchant for drink and drugs...

Great loss... :S

Dennis Hopper, RIP
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jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Walk the Line 2005 (Johnny Cash & June Story)

Joaquin Phoenix.... en mi opinion hay dos papeles que este senor a personificado en los que lo ha tenido que entregar "TODO" *Marqués de Sade y Walk the line.. esta ultima con especial atencion a detalles tan minimos pero que en verdad hacen de esta historia tomada de la vida de estos artistas a un nivel en el que se le puede llamar un "clasico" ... Es tambien una peli super largaaaa pero los twists, la excelente direccion y una actuacion impecable hacen que el tiempo paresca nada. Creo que es la unica pelicula en la que las escenas de canciones (que usualmente queremos que pasen tan rapido) parecen ser igual o hasta mas importantes que otras para realmente entender la mentalidad perturbada del senor cash... Witherspoon por su parte engrandece de una manera formidable el rol de esta mujer(June) que tuvo que pasar...........Diossss creannnme tuvo que pasar!!!!
aqui van a reir, a llorar, perder todas las esperanzas en la vida misma, y ha recuperarlas de una forma ten delicada que pareciera una historia ficticia
si quieren ver un gran film vale mucho la pena darse una vueltecita por alguna tienda de videos & get this one es una joya....***This film far exceeded any of my expectations and afforded me the first trip home from a theater with a true feeling of satisfaction and acomplishment in a very, very long time soooooooo Highly recommended :)
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miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Dnevnoy dozor (Day Watch 2006)

very well here we are... first of all before watching this film make sure you see Night Watch first. ****This certainly isn't a trilogy that you could watch out of sequence in nooo way whatsoever!!! that being said.. u go to the bathroom cause ull be sitting for almost 3 hours, & trust me U WOULDNT WANT to miss Anything.... *It combines EVERYTHING in itself. Action, drama, suspense, CGI that's definitely better way better, and more believable, than in any of the matrix movies, a very intricate plot, that you have to follow carefully throughout the movie or ull just be lost.. (believe me u will) lol i watched this film with a friend of mine & when it was over we just clicked the "play button" again.... THAT's HOW GOOD IT IS... and as i said on the prs review for night watch this one will give a lot of sense for things u just wont understand by watching night watch along.. In the beggining (maybe as a marketing strategy) they said that this movie would end the trilogy and by that time u have to buy ur ticket sometimes 5 hours before the actua movie starts.. it was crazy... after seeing the film we knew thats not accurate.. The thing is that director "Timur " said in numerous ocasions that there was no other movie for the trilogy to be completed wich is a hugeeee let down for fans like myself of this story,... in 2008 there was some info about "Dusk Watch ( Twilight Watch) that it was in process and we might see it back in 2009,,.. well not true... last thing i heard's that it would be realesed in 2012 under FOX companie... wich if true woul be very interesting to see....
lets wait and see how that goes :D
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